- Notification - Notifying the Sanctioned Posts as per Article 371 J
- Admission Eligibility of Non Karnataka Sc / ST Students
- Revised Calendar of Events for Homoeopathy - AY:2016-17
- Revised Calendar of Events for Ayurveda and Unani - AY:2016-17
- Special Passport Camps in colleges
- General Advisory for students seeking admission in the affiliated colleges
- Retention of Original Documents and Refund of fees in case students leaves after joining the course
- Constitution of Committees
- Introducing Social Security Schemes in the Colleges
- Procedure for Name Change, Initial Expansion and Date of Birth
- Financial Assistance for Students with disabilities
- Fee Fixation for Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) and Persons of Indian Origin(PIO)
- Avoiding Caste Based Discrimination in Affiliated Colleges
- International Conference on frontiers in Yoga Research and its Applications (INCOFYRA)
- Notification from Govt. of Karnataka - Guidelines for Migration Transfer for Students who have completed I year MBBS Course
- Circular - Notification issued from Karnataka Government Secretariat - Appointment of Sri. Nagaraj, KAS (Super Time Scale), as Registrar of the University
- Notice from Medical Council of India
- Updating of Teaching data of Professors and Associate Professors with 6 years experience as MCI assessers
- Notifications
- Last date for submission of eligibility certificate
- Dr. K.S.Ravindranath has assumed the charge of the office of the Vice-Chancellor, RGUHS on the forenoon of 14-07-2014
- Circular Regarding the late submission of application/in-complete application and the proposed penalty
- Action taken report of anti-ragging-Guidelines to be followed by all educational institutions in the State as per Hon’ble Supreme Court Orders
- Information on status of Radiation sources
- Important circular to all principals of affiliated colleges of RGUHS
- Circular-to conduct programs at all our affiliated institutions of university
- Circular-Constitution of Women Welfare Cell (16/01/2013)
- Circular-Submission of application for issue of eligibility certificate (21/07/2012)
- Ordinance governing overseeing of Entrance Test and Admission process conducted by the Agencies of Private Health Science Institutions (17/05/2012)
- Notification for Appointment of IT Consultant
- Instructions for filling online form for Appointment of IT Consultant
- Online application for Appointment of IT Consultant
- Procedure for issue eligibility certificate
- Emailing the list of students admitted
- Teachers Declaration Form [Affiliation]
- Constitution of Syndicate Sub-Committee to work into the of starting Fellowship Programme